I will be kicking off a new weekly series here on the blog. The WBR or Weekly Book Review. These will be books that I will go weekly and pull somewhat randomly off of my own shelves. Books I actually own, and I will give a short review of the book. Short being about 3-4 tweets worth (1-2 paragraphs for those who have not yet caught on to the tweet length. Tweet length is almost as prolific a unit as the old school “page.” Perhaps school teachers should just give paper assignments in tweet length units…)

Kicking off the series will be a book I will have just finished reading, but more often these will be reviews of books I read a while ago. While I may read through to refresh myself, mostly I want to give reviews of books that are not as freshly finished, but have simmered in my mind for a long while.

Look for the first WBR on Friday morning!