The Chess Mysteries of the Arabian Knights by Raymond Smullyan is a collection of chess puzzles. The Arabian Knights part is really just dressing for the puzzles. This is actually the second of Raymond’s chess logic books with The Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes being republished in January.

The chess mysteries start out fairly easy, although not for the non-chess player. Several chess rules that are not used by the occasional player are referenced such as en passant. I suggest on the early puzzles to give up early and read the answers (that are given in the back of the book), so that you can get a feel for the logic.

And remember there really is only one possible answer.

Note: There are currently only used copies for sale on Amazon, but your local library might also have a copy that you could request.

You might like it if…

  • You like chess.
  • You like logic.
  • You like puzzles on the harder end of the spectrum.

Buy it on Amazon: The Chess Mysteries of the Arabian Knights

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