It is always possible that you have gotten yourself into the position that you have a email mailing list that is just reaching too many people. You started your mailing list to be some sort of exclusive club, and now even your grandmother is on it! So here are ten ideas on ways to decrease the size of your mailing list. If you try any of these feel free to comment on your results!
- The easiest way is to just delete email addresses. This may however be hard to bring yourself to do. Another way to do it is just “forget” to backup and erase all your files. This may have the unintended consequence of removing other files.
- Send out a email in error, and then send 3-10 emails apologizing for the one sent in “error”.
Send an email in<strong>
text format</strong>
, however with html<br>
coding all over the place.</li>
- Send ? an email ? and include ? lots of special ??? ?characters? from ? a font ? that no one has, thus showing ? in their place? ??????? ?also shown as a ??
- Send an email every hour on the hour, telling the time.
- Create your email in Photoshop, export it, and just send the image.
- Forward chain messages to your entire mailing list, especially the ones that are false.
- Send emails from a server with a bad time stamp, making the emails appear to come from 1954 (instead of 1984…)
- Send an email saying that your mailing list has been hacked, then sell your list to spammers.
- Send an email bill via paypal to your mailing list charging them for subscribing.
Caution, doing any of these may have unintended side effects, so if you do one, I want to hear about it.